The last week and a half…

So recently, I started getting new equipment for shooting my movie. I got new lights and reflectors for the lights. But mostly the lights. They are so beautiful! I have attached pictures of them set up. I have been practicing with them and just the other day, I went to go shoot the first ever footage of  “The Payoff”. I went to Haley Murphy’s house because she is playing my comedy relief character, Stephanie, and I brought along my friend Travis to work sound because he has some good experience and equipment for that. I invited friend Vivian to help me with lighting but she couldn’t make it. So I worked the camera and the lights. My sister helped me with the marker.

We got there around 1 in the afternoon and finished around 3:30. The footage I ended up getting wasn’t bad but it could be greatly improved. Especially the lighting. The footage looked too red so I tried to fix that in editing but it looked very grainy. I will definitely be re-shooting those scenes now that I have a better idea of what to expect from the lighting.

Time is running thin..

Time is running thin and I am scared that I am going to not have enough time in the end. Considering that I do not have a solid location yet, I made up a shooting schedule of scenes that do not require a lot of the location showing. I the first shoot ever will be on the 21st. I have 3 out of 6 actors chosen and still looking. I recently contacted a friend of a friend named Alicia and she is interested in both lending her house and playing a role in the film.

I left my script to Mr. Federico before we left for Thanksgiving break so I hope he has gone through it by now and has some feedback for me. I plan to meet with him this coming week. My dad also recently got a camera that is AMAZING. It’s a Canon Rebel and it shoots in 18 mega pixels. I will most likely be using this for my movie since it’s the highest resolution camera I own.