Kick it into overdrive..

Ok, so I have been working on storyboarding my story, and it’s taking so long because this is what I’ll most likely turn in, so it has to look as good as it possibly can. My mentor suggested that I make my whole storyboard, scan it in so that each frame would be the frame my movie would look like, and add music, sound and voices to it. Then when I’d have time to film, I would film it how my storyboard looks and I would replace my storyboard with the piece I filmed. My actors have been ready to film but I keep having bad luck with scheduling. I have decided to kick it into overdrive and jump for filming my whole movie in 2 weekends. The first weekend, which is the 22nd and 23rd: I will get all my shooting involving my main character done. The second weekend, which is May 1st and 2nd: I will be shooting my other characters like Mr. and Mrs. Clark. and ALSO some of Allison again for some quick wide shots. I know it’s risky to push filming like that into March but I am going to have to if I want it to all come out good.
I keep forgetting to write this, but I have been reading a lot of books and studying lighting and sound and directing. I took a picture of the books I have. I really love the 2 long books I got for Christmas, they talk a lot about angles and they help you set up shots. They also talk about camera lenses.



One thought on “Kick it into overdrive..

  1. Right on Laura, these are some great books! Again, your family really seems to be doing so much to help and support you on this project. I’m glad you took my advice, and then decided to go with your own plan. In this situation, it is important to listen to feedback, but also important to make “an executive decision” when you just need to go with what you think is going to work best. Once again, I am very impressed with your dedication to this project.

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