New New

So a lot has changed since my last mentor meeting. I was originally going to go with what my mentor suggested I do, but I realized that I did not like having to draw in my storyboard because when I’m planning out my shots, I like to work with movement. I also realized I like writing stories. AND I also thought I should get more practice with the actual shooting. My lighting skills have actually improved because of practice and shooting with a different story. I ended up writing a 5 minute script, that uses the same techniques I wanted to use in my “Pay Off” film, and this small film I can actually show at my presentation instead of a 20 minute long film or a 20 minute long storyboard with audio. I have ALSO been reminded how frustrating actors can be. Even actors that have all the time on their hands (my mother)

On the bright side, I have gotten a new audio recorder to record external sound. I have attached a picture of it and during spring break I used it while I shot my new movie. It was pretty tedious though to set up the audio, most of the tie work the clacker, set up lighting and work the camera.


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