
I am Laura Delgado and I am a senior at New Tech High School.  Since I was very little, I have been drawing and doing art. Now I have expanded my knowledge in that and continue to grow. Lately I have gotten into Graphic Design when I took a class on digital imaging and I thought that was what I wanted to do when I go into the career field. At the same time I was taking that class, I was also taking a video production class. I fell in love with that class and the subject. I could not decide what I loved more, making digital images or making films. I found that I loved every single thing about film. and when I pictured what I would be doing for the rest of my life, I would go through all the stress of making a movie and still be completely happy at the end of the day.

For my Senior project, I plan to do a short film. I felt like it was long enough to not be something short like a music video, but not so long like a full length film. I also found something out about myself. I particularly do not like being scared when watching movies, but I love to get that reaction out of people for myself. I like to scare people.

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